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.Net Software Developer
- Profile Created:
- 5 years ago
Self-motivated Full Stack Developer with progressive experiencein .NET. Dependable and organized team player with the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. Skilled at building relationships with employees across all levels of an organization.
- University of Bucharest 2018-2020
Master\'s degree, Computer Software Engineering
- Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics 2014-2017
Bachelor\'s degree, Economic Informatics
- Current Company 2019 - Present
Software Engineer
- Soft Pepper 2019 - 2019
Team Lead
My responsibilities included leading the team of 3-4 other developers and1-2 testers, preparing of the requirement gathering by meeting up with theclients, writing of technical specifications, coding, testing, organizing dailyscrum meetings, motivating the team, assiting interviews, and working with theimplementation team to get the applications deployed on the client side.
- Soft Pepper 2017 - 2019
Full Stack Developer
Currently working as a full stack developer as a part of a small team and havebeen responsible for designing, architecting and delivering various projects.Some of the high-profile projets:1) I was involved on a very large project, for our client U.C.I..M.R.. The projectinvolved designing and developing two solutios: a server application in .NetCore and a client in VueJs to allow staff members to manage the union\'s members information and to generate and stock accounting documentsinformation. I worked on this project as a FullStack, without assistance.The technologies I used for this project were:* C#/.NET Core 2.1* VueJs *MySql2. I\'ve been involved mostly in developing and later designing andmaintenance for a niche project for a archive firm, Global ArchiveManagement: * for the sales division: CRM - management of leads, clients and events;* for the operating divison: Ticketing - creating and generating tickets based onthe inbox (requests sent to specific emails / domains by clients), automaticallyassignation, barcode readers, resource management, replying to clientfrom web app, import data from external services, export data files; PalletInventory Module - a module that helps an operator manage pallets and itsconents (documents and files);* for the sales division: a system of automatic billing: the sales division hadto introduce for each client an order and after that one or many calling planswhich consist in (services, price, reccurance and many more); after that, basedon the operator\'s activity for the client a bill is automatically generated.* for bussiness purpose: various complex reports based on user activaty orbilling;The technologies I used for this project were:* C#/.NET Framework 3.5* SSRS* Javascript / jQuery / Ajax* TSql I also go to meetings with clients, give presentation, and maintenance ofapplications (10+).
.NET Developer
My tasks were: 1. Maintanance desktop solutions in .Net framework using languages like C#and VisualBasic 6, with support of TSQL for interogating the database. 2. Client support.3. Creating reports in Crystal Reports XI. 4. Developed accountability skills.