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Mechanical and Electrical Engineer

  • Profile Created:
  • 4 years ago


Update: At the moment I am employed on a project until 2023 and will be looking for international opportunities afterwards.

I am a 2018 graduate of the University of Split, with a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Enthusiastic about development in Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), with affinity on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) at the moment. Current project in progress revolves around FEA and the optimisation of specific manufacturing technology using Design Space Exploration approach.

I would like to contribute to development by creating products from scratch or improving existing products with the aid of simulations. Over the last year, I improved my knowledge of various design, simulation tools and programming languages. Guided by a positive mindset and high-performance culture, I aspire to be your friendly and reliable colleague.

CAD (AutoCAD, CATIA, Creo, Siemens NX), CAE (ADINA, MSC Adams), MATLAB
CAE (ANSYS), C, FluidSIM, ThingWorx, Python, Git
