Researcher and Lecturer at the National University of Technology (Mendoza, Argentina). Expert on signal processing, navigation systems, GNSS and inertial sensors. More than 10 years of experience in applied research. C and MATLAB programming skills. Industry-relevant knowledge in machine learning. Main developer of NaveGo, an open-source MATLAB toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors analysis (
- Institute of Automation (INAUT), National University of San Juan, Argentina 2015
Ph.D. in Control Systems Engineering
Ph.D. Thesis: Low-energy, FPGA-based Kalman filter for navigation systems of autonomous robots. Grade point average: 10/10.
- National University of Technology, Mendoza, Argentina 2005
Master of Science in Electronics Engineering (according to Bologna Process)
Final Project: uMACAW, design and implementation of an ad-hoc wireless protocol for 8-bit microcontrollers. Grade point average: 7.29/10.
- National University of Cuyo, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Mendoza, Argentina 2015 - Present
Adjunct Professor
Researcher and lecturer on undergraduate courses on modeling of mechatronics systems, advanced topics in control systems design, digital signal processing, the basics of operating systems and computer networks.