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  • Altran Innovacion S.L. resident consultant at SEAT, S.A. 2018 - 2021

    Industrial Design Engineer and product developement UX, UI designer and evaluator

    Global knowledge of the vehicle to follow-up the projects (from concept, to start of production) I was involved in all HMI SEAT projects (Instrument Cluster, Infotainment System, Drivinng modes, Web App\'s and MOD connectivity). To perform the task it is use agile methodology (JIRA).To do a betther and exaustive work, I have to organize and manage usability tests with clients, using static and dynamic simulators, prototypes as well as SEAT and other brands vehicles. For this usability tests is importat to observe and create empathy with the users and give them the oportunity to express how they feel using our Cars, App\'s etc. Other important fact is to analysi the competitors to have a great vision of the market.And the more important task is trying to improve the usability and usage of SEAT HIM interfaces during the Designing process taking care of User capacities and knowing the design and archithectural hardware limitations.