It is a fact that humankind continuously evolves. We need objective instruments to help us cope with the increasing incertitude in our environment at work, at home, or other public places regardless of the various types of our activities. We know that the brain is a very complex machine, just as we know that some activities can be measured or observed. Scientists continuously discover areas of intracranial activity as a result of conscious or unconscious daily demands.
The need to have accurate predictive facts or figures is enormous, in my opinion, especially for those activities that imply human actions.
We already use and are continuously developed precise medical devices (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI); Computed Tomography (CT) Scan; Positron Emission Tomography (PET); Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG), etc.). Thus, neuroscience brings significant support in this objectification process. Generally speaking, the instruments used in neuroscience allow precise and accurate measurements of brain biocurrents generated by certain stimuli, including visualizing the cortical areas involved.
During a series of several articles, I will try to raise questions, understand, and debate various aspects of neuroscience and the opportunities that convey the primary purpose of helping specialists in the HR area have successful results in their activities. I will try to cover various perspectives from cognitive, sensory, behavioral, educational, etc., all from neuroscience.
Everything to understand as accurately as possible how this discipline can help businesses in HR processes (from job design to recruitment and selection, to motivation, to individual and team development, establishing and assigning the correct tasks and KPIs and performance management, to career development, etc.).Â
We will try together to understand how the brain affects our thinking and behavior and to discover how we can benefit using the analysis of information about the social, emotional, and intellectual development of the individual in business and HR. We will analyze neuro-scientific tools. We can identify the strengths and weaknesses of an individual and cognitive-behavioral style, assess the nature or cause of difficulties faced by individuals during daily living activities, and accurately explore cognitive abilities.
In my opinion, reading a lot of materials and experiencing every day the difficulty of predicting human behavior, psychology is analyzing what can be seen, the visible effects of human actions, it extrapolates and proposes theories that might explain a behavior aiming to be able to predict future behavior based on the empirical findings and after that attempt to changing or controlling a particular behavior.
With all psychology approaches (Behaviorism, Psychodynamic Approach, Humanistic Approach, Cognitive Psychology, and Biological Approach), some crucial questions appear:Â
1. Is that really predictable without a trusted measuring method?
2. Are considered within the process the mentality & cultural
differences and other elements that make a person unique (the brain anatomy)?
3. Can we continue to use the psychology instruments nowadays in a truly global world with a fast pace of change?
In a very simplistic approach is an interdisciplinary science that brings together medicine, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, linguistics, philosophy, and psychology to study all aspects of the nervous system, including the brain.
The brain is hard-wired with neural connections that link together its various lobes and also link sensory input and motor output with the brain’s message centers, allowing information to come in and be sent back out.
How the brain marshals its billions of individual nerve cells to produce behavior and how these cells are influenced by the environment determine how we perceive and ultimately respond to the world, so one of the multiple roles of neuroscience is to explain behavior in terms of the activities of the brain and the chemical substances that the body is releasing and trigger the action.Â
A rapidly expanding discipline, neuroscience findings have grown by leaps and bounds over the past half-century. More work, however, will always be needed to fully understand the neural roots and hatches of human behavior, consciousness, and memory.
Will continue.